Individualized Strategic Planning Retreats

This offering is full for this winter. Leigh will be offering these retreats again for late October 2024-February 2025. Contact Leigh about future opportunities to work with her in designing an individualized strategic planning retreat.

Work with Leigh to design an individualized strategic planning retreat for your business. She will help you design an agenda for your time incorporating different strategic planning components and considerations. She will support you in framing how you approach different portions of reflecting, deciding, and planning for your business. 

Leigh works with individual business owners November through January to design their retreats so they can enact their retreats in the first quarter of the year. She has just a few openings available for this year. She is also available to support you by facilitating your retreat with you.

Open to any individual who is looking to get clear on crafting your work to fit your life. Make space for yourself to envision and map out the year ahead (and beyond).


Relating to Time - Time Management Course


Storytelling Workshop