What is Success? What is Enough?

For you and your work.

We are shaping our businesses all the time by our choices. There can be a lot of pulls in different directions. Sometimes it can feel like we just need to do more, faster, all the time. We can see what other businesses are doing and feel things about our own. We can wonder what is enough in the daily efforts we make toward our work.

This workshop is designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners to:

  • Take a nuanced look at defining our own sense of success.

  • Let this inform our endeavors to experience a sense of doing enough toward our goals on any given day.

  • Feel clear in selecting what we pursue and empowered by the form our work is taking relative to all the other ways we see businesses unfolding around us.

Join Leigh Tillman Facilitation, the Uproot Pie Company, and fellow entrepreneurs for this half day experience of exploring and clarifying your own sense of success in what you are creating and in how it is working for you.

This topic comes up A LOT amongst entrepreneurs we’ve gathered. It can be insightful to hear others speak about their relationship to their work, their aspirations, their decisions, and their bandwidth. And equally rewarding to have space to consider and articulate our own experiences on these topics. To then each find answers (or pieces of answers) that are truly our own.

Come away with a multifaceted look at what success is for you. Generate specific next steps to shape your path from here.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You primarily do your big picture business thinking on your own and would value delving in alongside other entrepreneurs to offer and gain perspective and insight

  • You want to make time to work on your business

  • You want to gather with peers to consider and discuss how we can individualize our sense of success and feel more capacity in defining what is enough in our work

  • -Women entrepreneurs and small business owners of noncompetitive businesses

    -Women who are in it – i.e. your business is your primary form (or one of your primary forms) of work and source of income

    -Women who want to do this together – to have a team to support and be supported by in your work

  • This workshop will be held at Uproot Pie Company’s Carriage House in Thomaston, Maine on Wednesday, October 23rd, 9:30am-1:30pm. The carriage house is located at 9 Green Street, Thomaston, ME 04861.

    Cost – to cover costs we ask each participant to contribute $75. If cost is a factor please be in touch about scholarships and work trade as we want this to be accessible to all who would like to attend.

    To Register – click here to register through the Uproot Pie Company’s website.


Leigh is thrilled to collaborate with the Uproot Pie Company for this workshop and excited to once again gather in their beautiful carriage house.


Registration is now open.


Photo by Leigh, Fourth Debsconeag Lake, Northeast Piscataquis, Maine. Early September…first cool nights of the season.


Women’s Strategic Planning Retreat 2025


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