Creating spaces where, together, we can be intentional in the unfolding of our projects, our visions, and our lives.

Understand. Decide. Implement. Together.

Facilitation can look like so many different things.

At its essence, it is the collaborative crafting of an intentional process to hold a group through conversations, decisions, and implementation.

Work with Leigh Tillman to create a customized facilitation experience for your group, or you can delve in on specific topics in one of Leigh’s workshops, retreats, or groups.

In a world that can feel full of information to take in and tasks that need to get done...

…making time to have a conversation... to share a pause as we understand one another and let one another's perspectives help inform our own...

…these are big acts.

Upcoming Workshops, Retreats, and Groups

  • "Leigh facilitated the meeting with great deftness."

    Participant Evaluation from a Facilitated Meeting

  • “Moved us forward effectively, with sensitivity, delightfully”

    Participant evaluation from a Board and Staff Retreat

  • "Beautifully contained. Held both emotionally and deliberately with focus."

    Participant Evaluation from a women entrepreneur peer group